algonquin park

and I was once again captivated by water and sky...

This was the most peaceful camping trip ever. The temperature was surprisingly low. Our wood was wet and we couldn't really start a fire at night, but the waters were still and calm. We wound along river bends carried by the languid current that makes one forgetful. Birds flit about...birds I had never seen. Out there, you realize how complicated you can make your life seem. Ok, it's really pretty complicated, but we compound things at times. Out there, you breathe, try not to disturb anything, and life thanks you with a gentle, wind-blown kiss and whispers a beautiful secret.

I remember hearing for the first time the low guttural sound of the [Crap! I forgot the name of the bird again. If anyone knows, please tell me. It's a rather shy bird that is seen in May by only a few. It lives in marshy areas and sounds like a sink through which a thick liquid is being poured.] Anyway, it was scary coz it sounded like a huge creature would rise from the marsh at any moment. A BITTERN!!! That's what it's called. I can sleep now.

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