i used to daydream a lot

Ok, so I still daydream a lot. Sometimes, at work I look out my window and realize that the student sitting across from me has noticed me staring out and I should really be more responsible, being permanent staff and all.

This was taken outside the Adamson Estate, where I took piano lessons for a number of years. It truly was a place for inspiration. I remember when the Estate was transformed into the RCM. I took a tour around and walked into this studio with THE BEST view of the lake. It was 19th Century Romanticism at its best---Brahms, Chopin, Berlioz, the lure of la vie bohémienne. I prayed that it would be the studio I'd take lessons in. And it was!!

Then, there were the few occasions when I imagined I was Ariel, the Little Mermaid, staring at the sea (which was really just Lake Ontario).

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