
I'm always hesitant to take pictures of strangers. I fear that if I catch them in a bad mood, they'll grab the camera from my hands and I'll never see it again. This guy made eye contact, but seemed to like the attention. My brother said that it's proof that he exists.

I was just thinking that taking pictures suits me quite well. I often recall scenes in my head and with each passing moment, I'm always aware that history has been made. In a way, it's clinging to the past, which doesn't sound very good. I don't do it to get trapped in something I can't change, but because I'm generally grateful for the little moments that come my way and slip by all too quickly.


  1. the man playing guitar - his name is bob. small world

  2. seriously?

    wow. it's cool taking a picture then discovering that the person's got a name and everything! not that it's surprising, but it makes more vivid the life in everything i see.

  3. did you read my post about 'natsukashi.' it was one of the last posts i made on my japan blog, i think it was even after i got back.

    it relates this comment to the japanese stereotype (which is true) of taking tons of pictures.
