making contact

I've been going to this every year for, what, 5 years, now. It's awesome. You all have to go---CONTACT 2005. This guy from my high school, Marco Veltri, is exhibiting works with two other artists..."Disparate Perspectives". Unfortunately, I cannot make the opening, which is today. (Mark, if you read this, I'm terribly sorry that I wasted the invitation, but it's my friend's birthday. I hate timing.) So, instead, I will advertise the exhibit. It's at:

Latitude 44
2900 Dundas St. West (West of Keele, north side)
Tuesday to Friday 10 am to 7 pm
Saturday 10 am to 5 pm
Exhibit continues until May 31, 2005

I only wish I could get a day off to check this out. Hmmmm...maybe I'll take a couple of days off...


  1. Nice Shot.
    Where were you standing to get this shot?

  2. You mean for the church shot?

    I was at the King Edward Hotel for Doors Open Toronto last year. They had opened up the top floor, a ballroom, for the occasion. It's normally closed throughout the year because it's in disrepair.
